

Hi everyone!

I know I've been missing for more than 3 weeks but I'm back now!

I have a lot of pictures to show you so come back in the next few days.
I also have a few ideas for some nail art but I'm not very inspired at the moment so maybe for that you will have to wait a little longer.

I also got my first ever Konad stamping set and I'm still playing around with it. Until now I didn't make anything worth showing you but as soon as I get a decent konadicure I will show you.

I'm also thinking about changing the layout of my blog because it's a little complicated, I will think about it. If you have some nice layouts to recommend feel free to do so!

If you read my previous post and are curious about my driving license well, I GOT IT! I'm still practicing a bit but I'm confident in my skills! :)

Well, I think that's all for now so stay tuned!

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