
Tiny blue haul

This is what I bought today: Deborah Shine Tech No.35 and Deborah Sense Tech No.03.
I had my eyes on no.35 for a long time. It's a beautiful dark blue creme and if it's like the other shine tech cremes it's extremely glossy!
I didn't like the first Sense Tech polish I bought but I wanted to try this because the color is really appealing, no.03 is a beautiful grayed dark blue.
Swatches coming soon!

To all italian girls:

nei supermercati Esselunga fino al 9 giugno gli smalti Deborah Shine Tech, Deborah 7 Days Long e Rimmel Lycra Pro hanno il 30% di sconto per i possessori carta fidaty. I Sense Tech NON sono in sconto.

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