
Kpop Nails | Girl's Day's Female President

These nails are inspired by Girl's Day's "Female President" music video.
I also made some of the members nails but I will do a separate post.

 For the base colors I used Deborah Pret a Porter French Manicure and Deborah 7 Days Long 829.
For the decorations I used essence stripers in black, pink and silver. Super easy but of great impact!


4 commenti:

  1. I love your K-Pop nails! I am currently wearing your Secret- Love Is Move nail design and I'm certainly going to try these next :) Keep up the amazing work!

    1. Awww! Thank you! I would love to see your mani!

    2. No, thank you! This blog and Hallyu Nails are my two favorite Korean nail blogs. I always come here when I want a new nail design! (I also love that you use sequins instead of rhinestones because I prefer them too c: ) I didn't take any pictures but I'm doing these today (right now actually) so I'll be sure to take pictures this time!

    3. Your comments make me really happy and I can't wait to see your pictures!!
